Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wikipedia Wrap-Up

After editing my 4 pages over the past semester there were some major changes made to 2 of my articles (Gruvis Malt and Moorestown High School). The other two articles I added useful information but it did not change the site drastically.

I feel that I did make a difference in the Gruvis Malt article because I started an "Awards" section which can be grown upon. I listed the small-time awards they have received and even how to vote for the awards they are currently nominated for. With Moorestown High School I started an "Athletics" section. This section highlighted some of the athletic accomplishments made by Moorestown High School students and has even been edited by another person (although it looks like it was more of a joke that a student pulled on another). This at least means that people are viewing the athletic section which I wrote up and have thought about adding to it.

Class Topic #4: Placing Ads on Google

When I first saw our professor place ads on google for his Barbaro event I thought it would never work. I thought people would click on it but realize it was not what they were looking for. Therefore he would be charged money but not see any return. It was to my surprise when I turned on the TV later that night and saw a commercial for the nightly news highlighting his event. I feel that this shows how internet advertising can be used for so many different businesses and even events. It is able to target the people you want for a marginal price. It would cost 600+ to advertise even in the school news paper, on Google you can hit your target market for just $20 a day.

Wikipedia Change #16

I added what Domino's IPO was offered at. This article was extremely hard to edit, I wish I had chosen another article. It's good to be done with it though.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Class Topic #3: HTML

I never knew how easy it was to get started writing HTML. I originally had a computer science minor here at UD and took many programming classes. I'm surprised HTML was never covered. I learned how to program in a number of different languages but HTML was skipped over. I feel that if they had taught HTML I might have kept the minor. It is a language which has the most potential for modern day use. I could have actually used it on my own time, not just for assigned projects, and computer science may have kept me interested over the four years I have been here.

Wikipedia Change #15

Gruvis Malt Edited. I added a 2 new awards that they are nominated for and placed a link so people would know where to vote for them.

Wikipedia Change #14

Carbon Leaf Edited. I updated the information on the set they performed at Sudfest. I also linked to a video of that performance.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wikipedia Change #13

I have added Albert Young's football accomplishments to the Moorestown High School website.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Chris's Blog

I commented on chris's blog which mentioned The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps. I asked about any video's which were online, thinking that the pictures on his side bar were just that, pictures. They are actually links to videos that pop up in his blog, no idea how he did that, but it looks great. I would highly suggest checking out the videos, some of the stuff they do is amazing. I played the sax in my high school band for two years and these guys are on a completely different level then the other local pep bands in our county.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bloglines #4: Good Relationships Should Impact Your Bottom-line (Diva Marketing)

In the Diva Marketing Blog it states that Good Relationships Should Impact Your Bottom-line. I found this to be true in my internship over the last summer. I was selling advertising and the product was new to the market. I realized that the price of the advertising was not what was determining the sale or not. It was as if I wasn't selling a product, I was selling myself. By building relationships with my clients I was able to build trust in my product and company. I completely agree with this blog post, "Relationships win out over pricing."

Bloglines #3: Bittorrent Gets A Makeover (Modern Marketing)

The article Bittorrent Gets A Makeover talks about how public stations in Europe are thinking about using P2P to their advantage. In case you don't know what Bittorrent is, here's a quick run down.

There's a file on the internet that other people have and that you want. You download a program that can download "torrents" and install it on your computer. Then you use a website such as btjunkie to search for a file you want. You then click download on the file you want and it refers to the program you just downloaded to download the file.

Now that might seem like a lot but it really isn't. I learned in about 5 min from a buddy of mine. I'm not surprised public stations are thinking about doing this. People constantly place the latest episodes of popular shows to be downloaded via torrents. Just click on the btjunkie link above and search for "The Office." You'll see. It's smart that these stations are thinking about working with the system then against it.

Bloglines #2: Youtube's Star Users (Modern Marketing)

In the Youtube's Star Users article on the Modern Marketing blog, it states that top rated users on Youtube will be placed on the same level as large media partners such as CBS. I feel that although this is a good idea it could backfire. There is a reason why these users are so highly ranked. Most likely it is because they have new ideas which they share using the Youtube network. By promoting these user's "channels," Youtube has set them up to be called on by major corporations to incorporate advertising into their channels. This could completely change the channels content and lower viewership.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Drew's Blog

One thing that stood out about Drew's blog was his choice in wikipedia edits. His four choices were Facebook, Mafia, Roger Federer, and Manchester United. I have been having problems editing the pages of no-name bands and my high school. I'm impressed that Drew is able to edit those pages, it shows that he truly knows the topics that he chose.

Bloglines #1: Beyond Keyword Basics (Adwords)

In the Beyond Keyword Basics article on Adwords, the following was a tip for advertisers on sites such as google that use keywords to generate hits.
  • Filter for serious buyers: A seller of digital cameras may want to filter out research-oriented keywords such as: 'review,' 'rate,' 'rating,' 'compare,' 'comparing,' 'comparison,' and the pluralized versions of these words.
In my opinion a word such as review shows that this is a serious buyer. When I go to look for a product that I am going to purchase online, I want to know what others think of it. If a given product has reviews on its website from happy customers, I will feel more comfortable ordering online then if I only am able to view details of the product itself. I understand that the advice given by Adwords is from a professional, but as a consumer I would consider review as a "buyer keyword."

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wikipedia Change #12

Added Gruvis Malt's website to thier "Infobox,"

Wikipedia Change #11

Edited Carbon Leaf's page.

"In memory of the lives lost in the VA Tech shootings, Carbon Leaf will be playing at Sudflood 2007. All proceeds will go torwards the memorial fund for the victims and their families."

Wikipedia Change #10

I added how much Domino's was sold for in 1988, nearly 1 billion dollars, and added a reference.

Wikipedia Change #9

Edited the Moorestown High School page once again. Changes can be found in the section regarding "Noted Alumni."