Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Class Topic #2: Dealcatcher.com

It was interesting to listen to the business model for dealcatcher.com. I worked selling advertising to local businesses throughout the last year with The Campus Special and realize how hard it is to sell a company on a product like that. I think one of the main reasons they succeeded with their project is the type of advertising they are selling. By using the internet to its fullest ability, dealcatcher.com allows its advertisers to directly see the return on their investment. Without the proof of a return, sites like dealcatcher would not be successful. Advertising is always hit or miss, and I feel that this company has the ability to stay profitable through showing large name clients like DELL the true return that other advertising mediums (newspaper, tv) are not able to.

1 comment:

mwinter said...

I thought that this site was a great idea and agree that it can remain successful for a long time. If they can prove to bigger companies how useful the site is by showing the ROI they can easily grow even bigger.